Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A poem from my past, resurfaced.

I was rummaging through some old writings and I found something that had been lost to me for some time. A poem, to be exact. This poem was the best thing I had ever written while I was in high school, and I was very proud of it at the time of its inception. I still am proud of it. Sadly, the original copy of it was on a hard drive of an old computer that crashed, and I was sure the poem was gone for good. Just today, I went searching for my old writing book. When I found it, I perused the contents within and, to my utmost joy and surprise, there it was. My poem. So, in light of this rediscovery, I have decided to begin my writing anew. Also, I have decided to post the poem. Here it is.

The Forgiven

Dream the dream that was dreamt  before,
Only this and nothing more.
Drifting by a river shore,
Pain overwhelms a heart so sore.

Taste the tears upon my lips.
Clouds beyond my fingertips.
Hand reaches out, but nothing grips;
Falling, falling, the hand now slips.

Skin burns as if on fire
In the desert sun so dire.
Death is nigh - He will not tire,
Wreathed in flames upon His pyre.

Try to breathe, lungs too tight.
Death advances, I cower in fright.
Dropping down, I pray in light
That God will save me from my plight.

Death arrives, the Collector of Souls.
His eyes burn like fiery coals.
Says Him, "Give to me the soul of souls
Wherein the body in which it grows."

An angel appears, cries, "You cannot
Have the soul my Lord hath sought!"
Between Heaven and Hell a war was fought,
The details of which I'd rather tell not.

When it had ended my soul stood alone
Amidst a sea of blood and bone.
From the heavens above a light doth shone
Upon the soul of souls so grown.

Descending to me was a thing so pure
With a light so bright one could not ignore.
Says to me, "Come! Ignore me no more!
All you need do is open the door."

Open I did with little a thought.
To Heaven it was that I was brought.
Said a voice, "Leave your pain, yet forget it not,
Oh great soul whom I have sought."

The voice was that of the great I Am.
To His right sat his Son, the Sacrificial Lamb.
Together they declared, forgiven I am
For the sins committed when I was a man.

Dream the dream that was dreamt before,
Only this, but something more.
Awake upon the river shore,
The pain of my heart haunts me no more.


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