Friday, February 11, 2011

Thoughts on The Dark Tower series.

I have read many books in my almost twenty five years of life, but I had never read a novel by Stephen King, which deeply distrubed me. I have seen many of the film interpretations of his books, all of which I have loved (The Shining, Misery, It, Pet Sematary, etc.), but never have I sat down and read the actual paper-and-ink books. So, I decided that I would remedy this by picking up his seven-book epic, The Dark Tower. I am currently through the third installation, and I am loving it!

While I am not prepared to write a full review of this series, I just had to put some of my thoughts down before I lost them. King brings the world of Roland, the gunslinger, to life with such interestingly described imagery. I really enjoy his style of writing. He is blunt and unforgiving, which I admire. He's not afraid to pull any punches. I absolutely love the characters he has created. Roland, with his cold, calculating exterior which belies a kind-hearted soul (also a dark obsession to find the Tower); Eddie, the former junkie that always, and I mean always, has a witty remark on the end of his tongue; Susannah, the feiry woman who is missing both her legs from the knee down, but don't let that fool you (she is probably the strongest of the three!). I can't wait to read more!

I have always heard that, if you read a Stephen King novel, be prepared to stay on the edge of your seat. Well, I am definitely waiting on the edge of my seat, anxious to discover the answers to all of the alluring mysteries King has conjured up and placed in the gunslinger's (and my) path. He has an uncanny talent of keeping the suspense throughout the entirety of the story, even during the slower parts (of which there are very few). And I have never seen a more complex transformation of a character until I was priveledged to witness Susannah's amazing genesis. It is one of the most original, and incredible, character concepts I have ever read.

Once I finish my own journey, and I unlock the mysteries of The Dark Tower with Roland, I will go into more depth on what I thought about it.

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