Saturday, January 29, 2011

Comic Story

This is an old story idea my friends and I came up with a few years back. I sort of took it over due to their lack of interest in it. I've revised it some and touched it up. Keep in mind, it is supposed to be written choppy because it will be put into comic frames. The first frame would be a close-up of a closed eye, followed by the eye suddenly opened as wide as it can be, with a sense that the person whose eye we are looking at has been shocked from a deep slumber. Here goes:

Moon. It is coming. A man, shrouded in darkness, in a city full of lights. A man who cannot die, yet is reaching his end. Lights that empower, lights that absorb. One will hold them together. I will make unmake him. She emerges from the womb of Mother Earth with a gift, yet time is her enemy.
Many screaming souls, crying out for redemption, yet finding only death. He is pulling it to us. It is the only way. Such a waste...
All Strands point towards one end. It is unavoidable. It will be the doom of the human race and I will be its Harbinger, a fate which I cannot ignore. So be it. Today is the beginning of the end.

Fate; I am its keeper. The Observer of the Strands of Fate. I provide small nudges in integral points to keep the world as serene as is humanly possible. I am not the first of my kind, merely the last. My short tenement has brought about the most chaotic events in the history of mankind. It is with my view of the things to come, that the catastrophic events I have influenced have instilled inside the human race the will to endure. I feel that I have done my best with the time I have been given.
It will be in the times to come where we will see if my duty to the human race has been fulfilled.
So there it is. The beginning of the story. I have several characters already created and a few I am still fleshing out.
This story arose from a gaming session of Mutants & Masterminds, a role-playing game by Green Ronin. I had built a character named The Wraith who had the power to manipulate the darkness. My friend, Bill, came up with these extra-terrestrial beings who basically link with humans and "awakened" powers within them, called the Unaigh. Also, there are other beings who are the enemies of the Unaigh who absorb any and all life energies of all beings across the universe. He never gave them a name. I asked him if he wanted to create this comic story with me, and we could use that storyline. He agreed to let me use it, but he didn't wish to get involved in the writing. Thank you, Bill, for allowing me to use your idea.
Basically, the storyline will be as so:
Here on Earth, there have always been other forces at work to protect humanity. They formed a council in order to help govern humankind throughout it's existance. They are Fate, Death, Life, Nature and Element. These forces also choose a mortal to become their champion, essentially giving them powers. Ages ago, Element and Life had a falling-out of sorts, and Element effectively caged Life away and sucked away at Life's power, weakening Life and empowering Element. Death came to Life's aid and was unmade, or so it was thought. Nature continues to struggle with Element to this day, and Fate keeps to itself.
At the beginning, Death has sort of inhabited the body of a man, sharing it with him. This allows him to utilize a small amount of Death's power. He becomes Death's champion. Unfortunately, he disregards Death's wishes and fights crime as a super hero. He is close to uncovering a government conspiracy hidden deep in the Nevada desert.
Nature becomes mortally wounded. It's champion, the Druid, is charged with finding the Seed of Life and protecting it until the time is right. Druid has a slight problem, he was given ever-lasting life as one of his gifts as Nature's champion. With Nature's passing, Druid is rapidly ageing.
Fate still stays away from the other's, but Fate's champion, the Observer of the Strands, feels a need to pass his mantle to someone new. He begins to search for that someone.
Element consumes all of Life (or so he thinks) and the massive influx of power destroys Element. Element's champion looses all of his power. Lost, the fallen champion tries to make a new life. He finds the first Unaigh.
Life, having been drained to the point of nonexistance, deposits it's seed into a woman who becomes pregnant immaculately.
Also, there is a Dallas detective who is attempting to solve a string of unsolved murders. The victims were all slain by either being massively burned or electrocuted. Suspecting a serial killer, he follows the trail, even in his off time, which costs him his job. He never gives up, and follows the trail to Las Vegas.
All of these players will eventually be drawn together in order to stop the Havester and his host of life-absorbing aliens from destroying the Earth. They will get the aid of the Unaigh and those they empower.
More on this later...


  1. I like it! It's a little bit Terry Pratchett a little bit Alan Moore.

  2. Thank you! I love Alan Moore, so he probably bleeds through into my writing unintentionally.
